
Pa i porta edition 2


Pa i Porta are a series of dinners where we invite the guests to explain their work through a dish cooked by themselves. In the second edition we invited a group of creatives from different disciplines. Must of us didn't know each other. We asked them to cook a sandwich.

Paiporta is a town located in the province of Valencia. In catalan and valencian the word Paiporta can be divided to form the phrase “pa i porta” (bread and door). This is not in fact the towns name etymological origin, which seems to derive from the latin prope hortam, ‘near the farm’. The word play pa i porta has become a common expression for the communal dinners in which the neighbors bring food and the organisers offer a space, drinks or the appetizers.


In every edition we design and produce the glasses and gift them to the guests. This time we come from the heterogeneity of the group as a concept for the design. We randomly generated some vases using a software that we found through the internet and resized them to transformed them into glasses.

With: Eme Rock, Laura Puigdellívol, Rocik Boulalás, Guillem Casasús, Eren Saracevic, Enric Pérez Vercher and Hi Ha Studio.